You should learn to sell yourself.

Sam Duncan
1 min readApr 26, 2021


If you spend time getting really good at something, you can be extremely helpful to others.

Many lawyers develop very specialised knowledge in a particular area of law, for a particular type of client, within a particular type of industry.

They become extremely helpful to a specific group of people.

And yet, many lawyers are afraid to ‘sell’ themselves. Personal branding is ew. Sales isn’t for Professionals.

So we end up with lots of valuable knowledge locked away in the heads of very smart people.

The lawyers are worse off because they impact less people than they could (and they win less work).

Clients are worse off because they miss the opportunity to connect with someone (the lawyer) who could help them solve a genuinely sticky problem.

When smart people hoard their knowledge, everybody ends up poorer.

So if you know something about something, you should share it. If you might be able to help someone, you should try.

If more great lawyers were more willing to post on social media, blog about their expertise, or speak at events, I reckon the world might be a slightly better place.



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