Your business will not grow unless you have this

Sam Duncan
2 min readDec 16, 2021

Attention is the most valuable currency on earth.

Too many lawyers ignore social media, poo-poo ‘self-promoters’, and believe that ‘doing the work’ helps win the work.

Those lawyers fundamentally misunderstand the value of attention.

If people pay attention, they could be paying your bills.

This is for two reasons.

Multitasking doesn’t exist, so attention is limited.

When you pay attention to something, you are paying attention. You give up your focus on one thing and shift it to something else.

When a potential client is reading your LinkedIn post, they are gifting you attention. When they open your outreach email, you have entered an exchange of value.

And if you want someone to pay for your services, it’s a good idea to get them to pay attention first.

This leads me to the second reason why attention is the most valuable currency on earth.

More exposure = more likes

Donald Trump had more headlines than Hilary Clinton.

Elon Musk’s tweets get more views than any (and all) of Ford’s marketing.

The more we are exposed to something, the more likely we’ll like it.

That’s not to say all publicity is good publicity. More attention brings more opportunity to screw up.

But research shows that we are more likely to react favorably to something they are repeatedly exposed to. This is true even if we can’t recall having ever seen the ad.

Here’s the bottom line:

If you want people to like your work, and thus be more likely to buy your services, you need to win their attention.

Attention is the most valuable currency on earth.

